How To Simplify The Unpacking Process

How you pack up your home will impact how you are able to unpack your new home. If you pack your home using the right strategies, you will have a much easier time unpacking your new home once the move is complete.

Label Your Boxes

When it comes to labeling your boxes, you are going to want to develop a system. First, you are going to want to have a color-coded system for each room in your home. You are going to want to assign a sticker color or marker color to each room in your house and use that same color on all the boxes for that room. Make sure the room labels are large, clear, and easy to spot.

These labels are not just for you; they are for your movers. With clearly labeled boxes, you can ask and expect your movers to put your boxes in the correct rooms at your new home. Having the boxes in the correct rooms will make it much easier for you to unpack your boxes.

Label Your Furniture

Don't just label your boxes; make sure you label your furniture as well. Your furniture is one of the hardest things to move, which is why you want to make sure it is put in the right room to begin with. Use the same color system to place labels on your furniture so that the movers clearly know what room to put the furniture into.

Label the Rooms

Don't just assume that the movers are going to know which room you mean by family room and living room, or kid's bedroom #1 and #2. Make things as easy as possible by putting up signs that label each room with the same name you put on your boxes and furniture. To keep things as streamlined as possible, use the same colors for these labels, and make sure they are visible.

Give Directions on Furniture Arrangement

Moving furniture can not only be a hassle; it can be a physical challenge as well. If you are able to be present when the movers unpack your truck, have a plan for where you want your furniture to go in each room, and direct the movers so that they know where to put it.

You can also hang up a floor map that shows where you want each piece of furniture to go in your new home next to the label for each room. If you are really organized, you can place this map on the furniture itself before it is moved. That way, your furniture will be exactly where you want it to be.

Get Help Unpacking

The last thing you can do to help with the unpacking process is to get help with it. You don't have to unpack everything on your own. With labeled boxes, you can easily add unpacking service to your moving package and get assistance with putting everything away. Everything may not be put exactly where you want it, but it will be unpacked in the right room. It is a lot easier to rearrange where your books are on the shelves, or what clothes are inside each drawer than it is to unpack your entire home by yourself.

Simplify the unpacking process by being extremely organized during the packing process. To learn more, contact a long-distance moving company today. 
